Sunday, January 30, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
the next day...
We have more walls!
Peter is loving the size of the garage.

Here's the view of the "great room" when you enter the front door. Aren't those windows just awesome!

Here's the space for the master bedroom, bath and closet. Underneath is the lower level.

The basement is filled with snow.

I'm standing by the window in the study.

Here's the space for the dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook.

Me in the breakfast nook.

View of the kitchen and dining room from the great room.

View of the entry and study from the great room.

View of the park from our dining room window.

Peter and I in the great room next to our future fireplace.

It's supposed to snow/rain all weekend, but the weather forecast for next week is either sunny or cloudy. With some luck, we may have a roof by next weekend! (We'll keep praying.)
Friday, January 28, 2005
our house has walls!
We went to look at the house during lunch break and found people hard at work to get our house built. It's been dry weather for the past week which gave the builders an opportunity to put up some walls. There's about 50% chance of snow this weekend, so who knows. It was supposed to snow last weekend too, but it didn't. Maybe we'll get lucky again (praying for more dry weather). It would be nice to have a roof to go with those beautiful walls =)
Peter's excited about the garage that's bumped forward 4 ft. so there's plenty of room for a workbench. To the right of the garage is the office/study.

They're working hard to get those walls up.

View of the house from our backyard.

They're putting up the side wall of the master bedroom and the framed portion to the left with part of a wall is the kitchen area.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Phone calls rock!
So, I got a call from Marie (SP?) and Janey got a phone call from her classmate John. They both had good news! We have a wall. One that sticks above the ground! WOOHOO! This is a real test of our patience. We are thinking that we have to wait until Friday or Saturday to have time to drive up there when it's still light out. If we try to go up tonight or anything, it will be dark, then we can't take pictures and it will be just a waste of gas, so we are seeing if we can hold out until Fri or Sat. ARGGHH!! (and other frustrated sounds.)Friday, January 21, 2005
So, today I picked Janey up at UC Med Center after her 11am-12pm class. I took a bit of a lunch break and we went straight up to see if anything had been done to the house. We weren't expecting to see any change at all. We weren't exactly dissapointed on that one...See, here's the wood.

wood wood wood...

more wood

There was some snow in the area...
Truck in the snow.

Saturday, January 15, 2005
2 days before the start of Framing...
Janey has been logging on to Weather.com every morning and evening to check on the weather in Maineville (Where our house is being built) and gets very nervous when it says showers or snow-flurries or something like that, and very very happy when it sways clear or mostly cloudy. Like today. Very cold today...
So, we took a trip up to Maineville to check out the conditions for ourselves. We found a house that was ready to be framed!

We looked around for a few minutes, but these should be the last pictures of no wood!
I-Beams are in...

Did I mention that it was cold today?? But sunny!!!

Monday, January 10, 2005
2 days after that...
Today, after my new-employee orientation, Janey and I went up to our house to see what has been done. They've fired up the sump-pump. Our basement is nearly dry again. Progress could be made soon.Pumping out the water...

That sump pump really seems to work...

Nearly Dry

Saturday, January 08, 2005
today, peter and i went to a showroom in kentucky to pick out lighting for our house. that was pretty fun. we had looked at websites beforehand to have some idea of what styles we liked and pricing, and this place was comparable to the prices we saw at home depot and costco and ikea and some other online shops. originally we were thinking of having them not put in lights except for the recessed lighting and put in our own later. but really, it's nice to have some lights installed into your home when you move in. that, and we went ahead and purchased a ceiling fan for the great room because it's vaulted ceilings and i really don't want peter installing a ceiling fan up there. that's just nuts! we can put in ceiling fans in bedrooms and office later on. anyways, we're quite happy with our selections. no ugly standard lighting options for our house =)lights for each side of the garage door, the side entry to the garage and the back door of the house

chandelier for the entry

celing fan for the great room

chandelier for the dining room

lights for the breakfast nook

style of lighting for the restrooms

Back in Cincy, and nothing really has happened...
So, We have a below ground Indoor swimming pool.
Really, all that has happened is lots of snow and rain, but when the rain melted, it just turned into a big mess. Water is about 5-8 inches deep in our future basement. Made some jokes about the giant soda straws...

Anyway, the construction manager is still optomistic about our March delivery date. I have talked to our aparment manager and they seem to be able to extend us for 2 months rather than the 3 months that they thought that it had to be, so we might take them up on that.