Finished the path and the mulch bed
We started out by removing all the big rocks from the future mulch bed...
Take a good look. Janey accidentally knocked this flower off the plant 15 minutes later
Hey mom, Here's the spyder day-lilly
I seemed to be in charge of moving the mulch from the truck to the bed.
Lookit me go!
Starting to look good.
Watch us go!
Lookin good
That Fox-glove will be back up and going in no time.
Warm today
Those blueish purple flowers rock.
Celebrate the birth of our nation by blowing up small bits of it.
Dad's been giving Karyna some pyro lessons
Like lighting firecrackers underneath soda cans
According to Karyna, "They look like turds!". Yup, snakes suck just as bad when you are 30 as when you were 8.
little flaming turds
Dad just couldn't be left alone with any firecrackers
That mushroom can spent half of it's time 20 feet in the air.
Denny and Sherry and their daughter Misty came over to play pyro with us on the night of the 4'th.
Happy Pyros.
Tossing firecrackers in the bucket of water. Satisfying pop and gouts of water
Roman Candles
This end of our street looked like this half the night.
One of our 2 "Safe and Sane" products.