Saturday, February 26, 2005

Weekend is here, we get to look at our house!

Siding is done!

Insulation is in!

Typical paper-backed fibreglass batting.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Wednesday the 23'rd...

We showed up around 5:45 and found the siding being installed!

The crew foreman said, "I think that the drywall guys might be here tomorrow..." So we had to go inside to see alot of drywall stacked in each room.

There was a fair amount in each room.

Even some in our favorite picture of the fireplace.

and by the time we got back outside, they were done with this front section! Holy 15 minute batman!

There is still about 40-60 square feet of siding left to be put on.

But it looks really good already

They even put the trim back up. The foreman also said that the painters would be working soon.

After looking at the house, we talked to our sales people, and then one final trip past the house reveals a GARAGE DOOR! We didn't look up when we were there earlier, so we don't know if this was installed between 6:20pm and 7:30pm, but I guess it could have been. Wow!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

More progress

Peter was going to drill holes for conduit from the lower level to one of the upstairs bedrooms. Unfortunately, he drilled into one of the floor joists and couldn't drill all the way through. So we said forget it... we'll go wireless.

The sky looked awesome today.

The brick wall is almost complete. It just needs a small portion of the arch and the window shutters.

A closer look of the brick wall.

The siding and window shutters and some of the drywall are piled in the garage, ready to be put up.

The side door for the garage just got put in.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

evening visit

we have brick!
not the best picture in the world but at 7:15pm, there's not too much light left. it was, however, a very warm 60 degree evening, so peter and i walked around the park after a quick house inspection.

found some writing on the floor... looks like the schematic for our corner cabinet is incorrect. we had changed the blind cabinet to a 45degree corner cabinet with a lazy susan. the office was already closed so peter left a message about it. hopefully they will get back to us tomorrow.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Took pictures...

But they are all of the inside of the house and all are just detail pics of where pips and stuff are run. We did take a couple of pictures yesterday, but then the camera battery ran out. Here is the best from yesterday.

Dusk.... Sun settin gbehind house.

As you can see, our bricks have been delivered and are sitting in front of the house!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Went up to the house during lunch today...

And people were working!

Trim is starting to appear!

Trim all the way around the second story window of the foyer.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

On Sunday I took a panorama...

Quite a large pic. Too bad too much quality is lost here....

This picture came from 20 photos "stitched together". I have the original VERY LARGE picture. The original size is 14339x3491 pixels... It would be narrower, but the software decided that the neighborhood is on a swaying ship. The road around the park is almost dead level.

Software used... PT Stitch engine with the PT GUI front end. e-mail me at pallendo(at) to get the original picture in VERY high quality.

Friday, February 04, 2005

These guys are fast!

Holy poop on a stick. In just ONE WEEK... We went from a couple of walls up and no windows to all the exterior walls up/sheathed, the roof trusses and sheathing and felt up. WOW! Last time we saw it, the house didn't even have the 2'nd floor FLOOR in!

The back of the house looks cool too.

Just for size reference, this is a full sized Janey.

Going through OUR front door for the very first time!

Remember the pic from last week? This is the SAME EXACT place. Same camera mount (Setting it on part of our future counter) same people.

This is the frame for our future bathtub!

The first, and probably one of the last times we get to see the roof trusses.

Love those windows!!!

Those are good numbers, right dad?

As we were leaving the neighborhood we drove past the house one more time. 6:05pm and there's a crew working on the roof.